Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another "blackout"...
This time was the worst I have experienced.
The embarrassment it brought was enormously huge that I wish there's a hole to force my head in~!

The ones that I experienced were just slight short circuit condition.
If there's a circuit breaker or fuse in use, the condition can be fixed by tripping the circuit breaker or replacing of fuses.
Things will get back on its operation within the shortest period possible.

I have to say that this time was way too serious than those previous cutoffs..
For that minute or a half, AC supply got disconnected, components were shut off simultaneously and instantly~!
The terrifying blackout indeed shocked and scared ppl around.
The expressions on faces after the AC recovery  was just so mind-bothering. Sigh~~~

I wish the permanent blackout will not come too early.......:(

This post is meant to be expressed in my own language..


Forgive me for my unexpectable character and temper.
I choose to let the bond falls apart with the effect of time...

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