Friday, June 28, 2013

Freaking swollen left eye!

How to go to work in this condition...
Damn ugly le......

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Well, the result is still mind bothering....

The words from the wise him came across the mind:

“当你不顺心的时候, 静下来仔细想想, 到底有多重要。”

It is not tat important afterall.....
yeap, moving on~

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Result was out...

This time was a real terrible shit..
and i really mean it..

The worst of the 2 years in Nottingham?

3 percent diff to the scholarship requirement??
DAMN... what is wrong with that bladdy subject??!

and 2 other subjects on my own borderline..


yeah, like usual.. i dont accept failure well..
another sleepless nite...
Blame the haze?


Monday, June 24, 2013

"Just give me a reason 
 Just a little bit's enough  
Just a second we're not broken just bent 
And we can learn to love again 
It's in the stars 
It's been written in the scars on our hearts  
That we're not broken just bent  
And we can learn to love again"

It has been a favourite..... 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Potential future to be??

This is interesting, yet not the right time for it...

We shall remain being flirt-ish and yeah... as long as we are comfortable with where we stand, things should be fine...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Yeap... It's Monday again!

Let the routine work begins!

2 down... 10 to go!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I really wonder what relationship, friendship or even the close family members are for...


When I start having doubt on these, yea, I rather trust and love myself more than anything else..

Damn.. I have so many passer by of this kind in my life...
sincerity still exits??

I wonder~~~~

Friday, June 14, 2013

There are a lot happening around...
One word says it all....

Good things to share~~

Great bunch of interns to hang out with..
They are just a bunch of guy colleagues who make jokes out of any topic
Loving the lunch hour.. The laughter drives me forward...

It is only 9.. and I can already hear my bed calling...

Friday, June 7, 2013

I felt as thou 3 months just passed...

This is so much tiring than I expected...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

First day at work~!

I was so amazed by how systematic, procedural and organized of the system of the company..

Being out for work from 6am to 10 pm is not a easy task thou...
The strain mentally can drive me mad...

Every single "WOW" thing that I have experienced in that one day:

I have a mat salleh as my direct superior, which means I will be facing him every single day for the next 3 months..

The company is so HUGE that even my colleagues do not know half of the ppl they bum in to...

U have a card hanging on u everyday...

I am assigned to be involved in the MRT project! that is the biggest WOW thing...
That was wat I wanted since I have got the scholarship...
Putting a lil footstep into this mega project is an valuable experience!

One last thing, the interns, trainees, and junior engineers are all young fellas! Time to expand the social network... haha...

Off to work!